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Business Travel - A Luxury or a Necessity?

by Walter 24. June 2009 12:15

Rachel Maarten is an associate with a leading consulting firm. She is currently in the process of juggling two important international consulting projects, one with a client who is based in Basel, Switzerland and the other with a client based in Tokyo, Japan. These projects are expected to continue for the next few months and require her to travel away from her base in New York City for weeks on end. Rachel, unlike many other business travelers, thrives on long haul travel to far away destinations especially since she gets to make her trips in the plush business class cabin of a leading carrier.

Arun Soni is employed as a Vice President in the IT department of an investment bank in New York City; he was recently given charge of a QA department based in the London branch of the bank. This role necessitates him traveling to London every month as he is in the process of building his QA team. Though Arun hates to travel, he thinks it is important for him to make these monthly trips to the London office especially when he has a role that cannot be fulfilled effectively through remote management. Additionally, what makes these trips bearable is that his bank’s travel department has assigned him business class flights for these transatlantic trips.

Both Rachel and Arun, regard their business travel as essential for the successful fulfillment of their roles as they say that despite the recent advances in technology and video conferencing, there is no substitute for face to face meetings especially in situations that involve dealings with foreign clients or remote supervision. These away meetings along with conventions and incentive travel are essential for the successful conduct of modern business. 

However during the uncertain times of the current global economic downturn many firms are doing away with business travel entirely or if the business trip is considered to be absolutely essential they are convincing their executives to fly in the coach cabin on even long haul flights that last for more than eight hours in an effort to manage costs. Rachel says if she is forced to fly in coach on her fourteen-hour flight from JFK to Narita, she will not be able to function when she lands in Japan. Currently, the only way she copes with jet lag is by sleeping throughout the journey on the flatbed that her business class flight affords her.

Business travel is a necessary tool of commerce that not only aids the companies themselves but it also helps the various arms of the travel industry like airlines and hotels. In fact, airlines depend greatly on business class travelers for much their needed revenue.

Yes, firms do need to cut costs but instead of eliminating business travel entirely or cutting back on business class travel they should try and administer their travel management programs more efficiently by using companies like FareBuzz. Fare Buzz is a leading supplier of cheap business class flights. Through its contracts with over sixty domestic and international airlines, it is able to procure cheap business class deals to almost all worldwide destinations. Booking business class travel through Fare Buzz provides savings of over 70% as compared to tickets booked through regular channels. Moreover, these Cheap Business Class Airline Tickets come with all the perks of a full priced ticket like mileage accrual and pre-assigned seats. Booking your business class travel with Fare Buzz ensures your business travel is a necessity and not a luxury. Call Fare Buzz at 1-888-808-4123 for a quote today!

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