The Indonesian island of Bali has in recent years begun to feature prominently on the tourist radar. The reason for its current popularity can perhaps be attributed to the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ based on author Elizabeth Gilbert’s personal quest for spiritual fulfillment. While Bali, a land of golden sand beaches, amenable climes and…
Jamaica is one of the most laid-back Caribbean islands. The island’s picturesque landscape of rolling mountains, lush rainforests, abundant white-sand beaches, and multi-hued coral reefs provide a backdrop for a rich history and culture. Americans in particular find that traveling to Jamaica is easy. Travel time is short - 1 and a half hours from…
White-sand beaches, turquoise seas, stunning hotel properties, and vibrant local island culture, make the Caribbean islands a favorite winter destination. We are coming upon the best time to the visit the Caribbean! When you are cold and shivering up North from December to April, the islands have the best weather - warm and dry with…