5 tips for traveling to an interview

So you're traveling to another city for an interview. It's an exciting experience with the potential to land you a great job in the city of your dreams. Unlike other trips, this is one that could be truly life changing. You don't want to get on the plane full of nervous jitters, and the best way to avoid that is to be well prepared.

Here are five tips you should try to follow as you prepare to fly out to your job interview:

1. Travel smart
In most cases, your potential employer will pay for the airfare. By showing your willingness to travel, you are demonstrating your intense interest in the position, so the company shouldn't hesitate to foot the bill. But that means you need to travel smart and get to the airport on time - there would be nothing more embarrassing than having to ask to reschedule the interview because you missed the plane. Always err on the side of getting to the airport too soon, and if you can, check in from your phone to avoid standing in line at the ticket counter.

2. Make a list
Before you pack your carry on suitcase - which is the only luggage you'll need - make a list of everything you'll require, suggested Concur. That list should include your interview clothes, clothes to sleep in, your phone charger, toiletries and anything else you will absolutely need. Pack as much as you can the night before, then check your list before heading out the door.

Plan ahead to be alert and confident at your interview.                                                  Plan ahead to be alert and confident at your interview

3. Get a wakeup call
Even if you normally wake up on time, ask the hotel for a wakeup call. Nothing should be left chance, and the wakeup call is free and easy to set up. It's a backup measure in case something should happen to your phone or you don't get a restful night sleep. And wake up a little earlier than normal, so you have plenty of time to get ready, grab a coffee and practice your talking points one more time.

4. Plan your route
Interviewing in a new city means dealing with unfamiliar streets. CNN recommended figuring out your route from the hotel to the office before hitting the road. Will you drive a rented car, or call a taxi or other driving service? Ideally, the office would be in walking distance from the hotel, but that can't always be the case. It also doesn't hurt to ask the front desk about the best route to your destination. It's their job to be familiar with all the back roads and shortcuts.

5. Other expenses
If the company offers to pay for your other expenses, such as dining out, be conservative with their resources. Iowa State University said that eating on the cheap shows that you respect them and aren't looking to take advantage of their generosity. If you make purchases that shouldn't be on the expense account, don't add them.

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