Check out these helpful tips ahead of your next long flight.
Hopping on a last minute flight for a much needed vacation is as exciting as it gets, but unfortunately, the flight isn't always enjoyable. Luckily for travelers, there are a number of ways to make the experience smoother. Ahead of your next big trip, consider these tips:
1. Pack the right outfit
Staying comfortable on a long plane ride begins with what you're wearing. As CNN Money pointed out, many people still prefer to get a little dressed up before a flight, so striking a balance between looking good and staying comfy can be difficult.
By dressing in layers, you can avoid becoming over-heated or too chilly throughout the flight. Similarly, the right pair of shoes is critical, as sore feet can make a plane ride unbearable. Preparing ahead of your flight will ensure you're ready for the worst without compromising your ability to keep it classy.
When it comes to international flights, jeans and a t-shirt can go a long way, and it's unlikely that your fellow passengers will give your grief for dressing down.

2. Bring something to drink
It's very easy to become dehydrated on a longer flight, and this can lead to hunger, headache and feeling angry or anxious. By grabbing a water or sports drink at the gate before boarding you can avoid this situation.
If you're traveling with young children, be sure they're getting enough to drink as well, and also have a snack in case they get a little fussy. Staying well-hydrated and fed can stave off any uncomfortable feelings.
3. Stretch it out
Finding ways to keep your body loose and limber is also essential, according to Life Hacker. Not only can you get anxious or restless on a long flight, but there are other physiological reactions to sitting still for many hours like swollen feet.
You may decide to walk about the cabin every so often, but even doing light stretches in your seat will keep the blood flowing. Once again, support any children in this effort as well to avoid feeling fidgety or tense.
4. Pack some entertainment
Even if you've done everything to keep your body happy, you may find that long flights can be a bit boring. That is, of course, unless you plan ahead.
Many airlines now offer a wide array of in-fllght entertainment options, but bringing a tablet or laptop will only expand your choices. At the same time, a favorite book or deck of cards can be equally effective at passing the time during a longer flight. Play some solitaire or relive the magic of an old novel.
5. Get some sleep
Above all else, one of the easiest ways to make the time pass during a lengthy plane ride is to simply settle down for a nap. Nowadays, people employ everything from neck pillows to over-the-counter sleep aids while in-flight.

Partition your rest accordingly, because as helpful as it can be to get in a quick nap, waking up too early can become a restless situation. If you are flying through the night, try to time things so that you get a full night's sleep.
6. Catch up on work
A long flight is a great opportunity to catch up on old work, even for folks not traveling explicitly for business. Going through old reports or emails is a wonderful use of time, especially as more and more airlines are offering WiFi.
Some folks may even use this time to organize old family photos or take care of things unrelated to business. By being productive on your flight, you can pass the time while also getting a few things done.
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