Best ways to book Last Minute Flights

Traveling during an emergency situation is more often fraught with obstacles and just might prove to be a costly affair. This is equally true with air travel, particularly at a shorter notice. It is cost prohibitive. Booking last minute flights can prove to be tedious and pricier.

There’s a general perception that it costs a lot to book last minute flight tickets. But this has proved to be wrong quite often. Patience and a keen eye are the buzzwords to find a good deal. This however largely depends on the time of your booking and the destination you are flying to.

Many would simply ask now as whether it is possible to book tickets at the last minute and what are exactly the best ways to book flights during emergency situations or at extremely shorter notice. And, of course, there are many ways to search for good prices for such flights. Let us have a look into some of the effective ways that would ultimately get you the best deals for these flights.

Flexibility is the key factor
Flexibility is undoubtedly the key factor to find short-notice flights. Missing out on a last minute flight would be the last thing you would want in case of urgency because you are just not ready to bend on your flight timings or the airports you want to fly to. When it comes to selecting airports, airlines, departure and arrival times, being flexible has always paid rather handsomely. Compromising sometimes is indeed rewarding. To get your flights cheap at the last minute, stopovers might be involved. Be ready to take more than one flight in order to arrive at your destination, and if you want to save more on your tickets. You should also prepare to take red eye flights and early morning flights as well. Flights departing on a Tuesday or Wednesday also prove to be cheaper and easier to find.

Get Internet-only deals
It is always possible to find the best deals on online booking engines. This is particularly because the airline wants to leave no stone unturned in filling up a flight rather quickly. In such a case, the airline and other travel websites post Internet-only deals for flights at the last minute. You need to constantly monitor these websites. You may also consider signing up for email alerts as well. Fares are typically posted mid-week for the flights departing on the following weekend. You should however remain cautious about non-refundable tickets and also watch out for loopholes too.

Keep an eye on auctioned flights
Bidding could be yet another fantastic way to find a cheaper flight on short notice. There are many airlines and travel websites holding auctions for cheap flights. This may also some time include car rentals and hotel deals as well. You must however read the fine print before bidding. You should be aware that some websites would have restrictions, such as a flight at the last minute would be guaranteed only during specific times.

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