Davos – World’s Best Place for Business Meetings and Conferences

Davos, a key city in Switzerland, has established itself as undisputed leader in the global meeting market. The city hosts more than 400 events and congresses every year. Some of the Alps’ best and ultra modern congress centers can be found in this city. By hosting the renowned World Economic Forum for above four decades, Davos has now become the most sought after destination for the global business community and organizations. The city offers 100 different types of meeting rooms having a capacity to host more than 15,000 participants at a single time.

Davos became the venue for meetings and congresses for the first time in the 19th century when doctors and other experts from around Europe stayed for few days in the stunning mountain health resort for deliberating on their latest findings. The first international congress was organized by doctors in 1923 in the city. Later, the Physical-Meteorological Observatory took place in 1925. Famous scientist Albert Einstein also introduced the first university course in 1928. These events elevated the status of Davos to that of a congress city. Ever since, it has become the most favored destination for holding meetings by the intellectual elite.

There is more to this important Swiss city than meets the eyes. The reputation of Davos in fact goes much beyond to its iconic status of a congress city. It is home to many renowned research centers. The most famous being the National Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, which is headquartered here. The city has also been at the forefront in the fields of science, education, energy research and healthcare. The city, which is at 1,560 meter above sea level amidst picturesque natural surroundings, is also home to a large number of specialized clinics and hospitals.

The World Economic Forum or WEF is being held annually at Davos for past many decades. It is considered to be a largest gathering of around 3,000 internationally acclaimed economists, scientists, politicians and businesspersons.

There are several reasons that make Davos wold’s best meeting place. The city has great traditions of being a congress city. With a fine infrastructure in salubrious scenic mountainous surroundings, the people are offered immense networking opportunities in a village atmosphere. Healthcare professionals find Davos a perfect destination for hosting medical congresses as it fulfills all the required conditions. Davos offers only 8 percent VAT, which is the lowest in Europe and almost entirely refundable. With its strategic location in the heart of Europe and easy accessibility through different international destinations, Davos ranks top in the list for holding conferences and business meetings. The city offers its hotel guests with overnight stay during summer time free public transportation facilities. The hotel infrastructure in the city is also remarkable and of high quality. There are over 58 different kinds of hotels in the city with a capacity to accommodate more than 27,000 guests. There are 11 dedicated seminar hotels equipped with modern meeting facilities. Moreover, the city is also a part of the Schengen Area.

With so much to offer, you may consider Davos, the most beautiful region in Europe with stunning lakes surrounded by picturesque mountains, to be your next destination for hosting a business meeting.

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