Enjoy summer vacation at some cleanest cities around the world

Have you started making plans for your summer vacation this year? Then staying healthy and fit in the host destination should be your prime concern. After all, your health really matters and will undoubtedly make your vacations quite enjoyable. So, what do you do now!

Why not think of visiting some of the cleanest cities in the world this summer? Consider visiting Honolulu, Great Falls, Helsinki, Tallinn, Stockholm and Cape Coral where you will find the cleanest air and unpolluted atmosphere. These places are among the cleanest in the world today to enjoy your holidays. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended these places for your summer sojourn. You can hope to breathe a bit easier if you choose to visit these beautiful destinations. Let’s see what all these places have to offer to you.

Honolulu, Hawaii
Honolulu is the capital city of State of Hawaii. It is situated nearly 2,000 miles away from the U.S. mainland. The city receives plenty of rainfall and has astoundingly low levels of particle matter and ozone. The well-planned transit system with dedicated lanes for buses has significantly cut down on emissions thus making the air much cleaner and enabling the residents leave a relaxed life in complete harmony with nature. Honolulu has of late become one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. The extremely clean air of this gorgeous island is a major attraction for health-conscious tourists. The pollutants are instantly carried away by the Pacific winds and the regular rainfall keeps the air free of dust and dirt. The famous tropical paradise of Honolulu is in fact renowned as the “Pearl of the Hawaii” and is definitely worth visiting.

Great Falls, Montana
Great Falls is situated in north-central Montana on the Missouri River among the five falls. It is also the third largest city in Montana. The stunning place boasts of abundant natural beauty with gorgeous nature refuges and hiking trails. The air is clean here and perfect for a healthy living. The numerous power plants and dams here have given Great Falls the epithet of “Electric City”. The landscape in the city is simply awesome. Mountains and buttes surround the city from three sides, while vast plains are to its north.  The picturesque valley and winding river gorge are all set to enthrall you whenever you choose to visit the splendid Great Falls.

Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, is one of the cleanest metropolises in Europe. The government and the people have made tremendous efforts to limit emissions strictly from the industry and vehicles. The wide streets in the city have also helped in significantly curbing traffic congestion thus making the air quality excellent. Helsinki has also been ranked as the 8th cleanest city in the world and also ranked as the world’s most livable city for 2011. Over one-third of the city comprises of parks, nature reserves and other green areas thus making it as one of the world’s greenest metropolises as well. With its clean air, streets and atmosphere, Helsinki is surely a pleasant destination to visit.

Tallinn, Estonia
The small Baltic country of Estonia has been ranked by World Health Organization (WHO) as having the best air quality in the world. Nearly half of the country’s land space is covered by trees. Moreover emissions level here has been kept significantly low because of an excellent public transit system. With its many beautiful marshes, lakes, islands, straits and gulfs, a large number of tourists from different parts of the world visit Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, every year. The outstanding air quality has been a real treat for the health-conscious tourists from world over.

Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, is among the cleanest cities in the world. The Swedish capital is also renowned for the largest numbers of clean vehicles in Europe. Nearly 5 percent of the vehicles in the country are hybrids. The clean air and greenery all around makes the city a wonderful place to be explored by simply walking around or cycling. Stockholm is not only renowned as a green city, but has also emerged over the years as a major ecological technologies hub. This one of the greenest and cleanest capitals in the world is surely worth visiting.

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