When the excitement of the holidays begins to fade, you're often left with a dreary slog of winter snow storms, freezing temperatures and short days. Rather than trudging through the snow on your way to work early in the morning, wouldn't you rather be enjoying some sunny Caribbean weather on an island beach? That's exactly what you can do when you book your cheap tickets to St. Martin. Keep reading to learn about this little gem of the Caribbean and find out why you should consider it for your next winter getaway:
The Friendly Island
There's no shortage of gorgeous islands in the Caribbean, but you'll get no better welcome than on St. Martin, known locally as The Friendly Island. According to the island's tourism board, St. Martin has a little something for everyone. Whether you want to spend your days relaxing on the beach or you'd rather ride a zip line through the forest, you'll find something to do that piques your interest.
St. Martin is located roughly 200 miles east of Puerto Rico. The top two-thirds of the island are governed by France while the bottom third is owned by the Netherlands and is known as Sint Maarten. While the official language of St. Martin is French, you'll find that many people on the island are also fluent in English.
Maho Beach
On the Dutch side of the island is Maho beach, which is famous for its close proximity to the airport. In fact, the beach is so close that approaching airplanes fly just overhead on their way to the landing strip. While the beach is a good spot for wind surfacing, you won't find much sand here due to the erosion caused by the approaching airplanes. Nevertheless, you can post up at one of the nearby bars and restaurants and watch the planes come in, like in this video: [Could recommend another beach, like happy beach]
Pic Paradis
The tallest point on the island, Pic Paradis offers stunning panoramic views amidst lush greenery. It's the perfect spot for a morning or afternoon hike. There are a few trails you can follow, each with unique points of interest. One walk will take you through the abandoned hamlet of Petit-Fond where you can see ruins and gravestones of the old French town. Another trail will take you Loterie Farm, a sugar plantation founded in 1773. Since it ceased operation in 1855, the farm is well preserved and offers a unique place to relax and have a picnic.
Creole cooking
When visiting St. Martin, you'll find many seafood dishes prepared in the Creole style. Don't miss the chance to try as many as you can during your stay. Some dishes you'll find include marinated spare ribs, codfish fritters, bouillon of fish and sweet potato pudding.
A week on St. Martin will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready to take on anything life can throw at you. Book your tickets today for a Caribbean adventure that you'll never forget.