The 10th Tokyo International Anime Fair 2011, one of the largest animation related events in the world, will be held from March 24-27, 2011, at Tokyo Big Sight exhibition center. The fair aims to promote and develop the Japanese animation, which is loved and highly acclaimed by people throughout the world. The fair serves as a great platform for those related to the animation industry. If you are also one among them then the best thing for you would be to get business class discounts to Tokyo and fly cheap business class to Tokyo to participate in the fair.
The Japanese animation industry trade fair will be attended by a total of 244 exhibitors including 59 from abroad. TV companies, film production companies, as well as toy, game and software developers from Japan and other foreign countries will be participating in the fair. The fair has much to offer for the participants who book business class seats to Tokyo and travel
air business class to Tokyo. Besides the Trade Fair, a competition will also be held in which the innovative works by anime creators from Japan as well as abroad would be competing for prizes. Symposiums providing the latest information on the industry would be held. The talented young creators would get business opportunities in the “Creator’s World” enabling them to become thorough professionals. The fair will also ensure the enjoyment of anime lovers of all ages with a rich line-up of programs.
The fair has other attractions as well. ‘The School Zone’ in the fair will exhibit a number of animation related schools and universities such as the Toel Animation Institute and the Osaka University of Arts where the work of the current students will be displayed as well as promote their respective courses and facilities to prospective students. Over 130,000 people attended the fair last year, which is itself the highest record in the history of Tokyo International Anime Fair. The fair, which is being held for the past 10 years now, has only grown in size. Don’t miss this important fair. Just book
cheap business class flights to Tokyo and head for this great event.